編織: 正撚雙向搓撚先編後鍍、先鍍後編,又分熱鍍鋅、電鍍鋅、PVC塗塑等。特點:結構堅固 ,表面平坦,具有良好的防腐蝕、抗氧化等特點。
用途: 廣泛用於工業及建築業,篩選砂粒, 過濾液體及氣體。還用於飼養雞、鴨.鵝、兔及動物園圍欄。
用途: 廣泛用於工業及建築業,篩選砂粒, 過濾液體及氣體。還用於飼養雞、鴨.鵝、兔及動物園圍欄。
Hexagonal Wire Mesh
Wire materials: Galvanized iron or Stainless steel wire, PVC coated wire. Twist: regular twist (three twist, five twist), reverse twist
Application: Hexagonal wire netting with its good corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance, serves well as boiler cover or poultry fence in construction, chemical, breeding, garden and food processing industries.